Blat produces two major classes of alignments: at the DNA level between two sequences that are of 95% or greater identity, but which may include large inserts, and at the protein or translated DNA level between sequences that are of 80% or greater identity and may also include large inserts. The output of BLAT is flexible. By default it is a simple tab-delimited file which describes the alignment, but which does not include the sequence of the alignment itself. Optionally it can produce BLAST and WU-BLAST compatable output as well as a number of other formats.
The main programs in the blat suite are:
Building an index of the genome typically takes 10 or 15 minutes. Typically for interactive applications one uses gfServer to build a whole genome index. At that point gfClient or webBlat can align a single query within few seconds. If one is aligning a lot of sequences in a batch mode then blat can be more efficient, particularly if run on a cluster of computers. Each blat run is typically done against a single chromosome, but with a large number of query sequences.
Other programs in the blat suite are:
In addition you may be interested in the following programs which are not part of the BLAT suite:
The command line options of each of the programs is described below. Similar summaries of usage are printed when a command is run with no arguments. See the next section for info on installing webBlat.
- Standalone BLAT sequence search command line tool
blat database query [-ooc=11.ooc]
database and query are each either a .fa , .nib or .2bit file,
or a list these files one file name per
-ooc=11.ooc tells
the program to load over-occurring 11-mers from
and external file. This will increase the speed
by a factor of 40 in many cases,
but is not required
output.psl is
where to put the output.
Subranges of nib
and .2bit files may specified using the syntax:
With the second form, a sequence id of file:start-end will be used.
Database type. Type is one of:
- DNA sequence
- protein sequence
dnax -
DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein
The default is dna
Query type. Type is one of:
- DNA sequence
- RNA sequence
- protein sequence
- DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein
- DNA sequence translated in three frames to protein
The default is dna
-prot Synonymous with -t=prot
-ooc=N.ooc Use overused
tile file N.ooc.
N should correspond to
the tileSize
-tileSize=N sets
the size of match that triggers an alignment.
Usually between 8 and 12
Default is 11 for DNA and 5 for
-stepSize=N spacing
between tiles. Default is tileSize.
-oneOff=N If set to 1 this allows one mismatch in tile
and still
triggers an alignments. Default is 0.
-minMatch=N sets
the number of tile matches. Usually set
from 2 to 4
Default is 2 for nucleotide, 1
for protein.
-minScore=N sets
minimum score. This is the matches minus
mismatches minus some sort of
gap penalty. Default is 30
Sets minimum sequence identity (in percent).
Default is
90 for nucleotide searches, 25
for protein or translated
protein searches.
-maxGap=N sets the size of maximum gap between tiles
in a clump. Usually
set from 0 to 3. Default is 2. Only relevent
for minMatch > 1.
-noHead suppress .psl
header (so it's just a tab-separated file)
-makeOoc=N.ooc Make overused tile file. Target needs to be complete
-repMatch=N sets
the number of repetitions of a tile allowed before
it is marked as overused. Typically this is 256 for tileSize
12, 1024 for tile size 11, 4096
for tile size 10.
Default is 1024. Typically only comes into play with makeOoc.
Also affected by stepSize. When stepSize is halved
repMatch is
doubled to compensate.
Mask out repeats. Alignments
won't be started in masked region
but may extend through it in
nucleotide searches. Masked areas
are ignored entirely in protein
or translated searches. Types are
lower - mask out lower cased
upper - mask out upper cased
out - mask according to database.out
RepeatMasker .out file
- mask database according to RepeatMasker file.out
-qMask=type Mask
out repeats in query sequence. Similar
to -mask above but
for query rather than target
-repeats=type Type is same as mask types
above. Repeat bases will not be
masked in any way, but matches
in repeat areas will be reported
separately from matches in other
areas in the psl output.
- minimum percent divergence of repeats to allow
them to be unmasked. Default is 15. Only relevant for
masking using RepeatMasker .out files.
Output dot every N sequences to show program's progress
-trimT Trim leading poly-T
-noTrimA Don't trim trailing poly-A
-trimHardA Remove poly-A tail from qSize
as well as alignments in
-fastMap Run for fast DNA/DNA remapping - not
allowing introns,
requiring high %ID
Controls output file format. Type
is one of:
- Default. Tab separated format, no
- Tab separated format with sequence
- blastz-associated axt
- multiz-associated maf
sim4 - similar to sim4
- similar to wublast format
blast - similar to NCBI
blast format
blast8- NCBI blast tabular
blast9 - NCBI blast tabular
format with comments
For high quality mRNAs look harder for small initial and
terminal exons. Not recommended for ESTs
-maxIntron=N Sets maximum intron
size. Default is 750000
-extendThroughN -
Allows extension of alignment through large blocks of N's
Here are some blat settings for common usage scenarios:
1) Mapping ESTs to the genome within the same species
2) Mapping full length mRNAs to the genome in the same species
-ooc=11.ooc -fine
3) Mapping ESTs to the genome across species
-q=dnax -t=dnax
4) Mapping mRNA to the genome across species
-q=rnax -t=dnax
5) Mapping proteins to the genome
-q=prot -t=dnax
6) Mapping DNA to DNA in the same species
-ooc=11.ooc -fastMap
7) Mapping DNA from one species to another species
-q=dnax -t=dnax
When mapping DNA from one species to
another the
query side of the alignment should be cut
up into chunks
of 25kb or less for best performance.
gfServer - Make a server to quickly find where
DNA occurs in genome.
To set up a
gfServer start
host port file(s)
Where the files are in .nib or .2bit format
To remove a
gfServer stop host
To query a
server with DNA sequence:
gfServer query
host port probe.fa
To query a
server with protein sequence:
gfServer protQuery host port probe.fa
To query a
server with translated dna sequence:
gfServer transQuery host port probe.fa
To process
one probe fa file against a .nib format genome (not
starting server):
gfServer direct probe.fa file(s).nib
To figure out
usage level
gfServer status
host port
To get input
file list
gfServer files
host port
-tileSize=N size
of n-mers to index.
Default is 11 for nucleotides, 4 for
proteins (or translated
spacing between tiles. Default is tileSize.
-minMatch=N Number
of n-mer matches that trigger detailed alignment
Default is 2 for nucleotides, 3
for protiens.
-maxGap=N Number of insertions or deletions allowed
between n-mers.
Default is 2 for nucleotides, 0
for protiens.
Translate database to protein in 6 frames. Note: it is best
to run this on RepeatMasked
data in this case.
-log=logFile keep
a log file that records server requests.
-seqLog Include sequences in log file (not logged
with -syslog)
-syslog Log to syslog
log to the specified syslog facility - default
Use masking from nib file.
-repMatch=N Number
of occurrences of a tile (nmer) that trigger
repeat masking the tile. Default
is 1024.
Maximum number of hits for a dna query that are sent
from the
server. Default is 100.
-maxTransHits=N Maximum
number of hits for a translated query that are
sent from the server. Default is
Maximum size of untranslated DNA query sequence
Default is 40000
Maximum size of protein or translated DNA queries
Default is 8000
-canStop If set
then a quit message will actually take down the
gfClient - A client for the genomic finding
gfClient host port
nibDir in.fa out.psl
host is the name of the machine running the gfServer
port is the same as you started the gfServer with
nibDir is the path
of the nib files relative to the current dir
(note these are needed by the client as
well as the server)
in.fa a fasta format file.
May contain multiple records
out.psl where to
put the output
Database type. Type is one of:
- DNA sequence
- protein sequence
- DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein
The default is dna
Query type. Type is one of:
- DNA sequence
- RNA sequence
- protein sequence
- DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein
- DNA sequence translated in three frames to protein
Output a dot every N query sequences
-nohead Suppresses psl
five line header
-minScore=N sets
minimum score. This is twice the matches
minus the
mismatches minus some sort of
gap penalty. Default is 30
Sets minimum sequence identity (in percent).
Default is
90 for nucleotide searches, 25
for protein or translated
protein searches.
Controls output file format. Type
is one of:
- Default. Tab separated format without
actual sequence
- Tab separated format with sequence
- blastz-associated axt format
- multiz-associated maf
- similar to wublast format
blast - similar to NCBI
blast format
-maxIntron=N Sets maximum intron size. Default is 750000
webBlat generally is not run from the command
line. See ‘Setting Up webBlat instructions below` for information on this
faToTwoBit - Convert DNA from fasta
to 2bit format
faToTwoBit in.fa [in2.fa in3.fa ...] out.2bit
-noMask - Ignore
lower-case masking in fa file.
twoBitToFa - Convert all or part of .2bit file to
input.2bit output.fa
-seq=name -
restrict this to just one sequence
- start at given position in sequence (zero-based)
-end=X - end at given position in sequence
faToNib - Convert from .fa
to .nib format
faToNib in.fa out.nib
nibFrag - Extract part of a nib file as .fa
nibFrag file.nib start end strand out.fa
pslPretty - Convert PSL to human readable output
pslPretty in.psl target.lst query.lst pretty.out
-axt - save in
Scott Schwartz's axt format
-dot=N Put out a dot every N records
-long - Don't abbreviate long inserts
It's a really good idea if the psl file is sorted by target if it contains multiple targets. Otherwise this will be very very slow. The target and query lists can either be fasta files, nib files, or a list of fasta and/or nib files one per line. Currently this only handles nucleotide based psl files.
pslSort -
merge and sort psCluster .psl
output files
pslSort dirs[1|2] outFile tempDir inDir(s)
This will sort all of the .psl files in the directories
inDirs in
two stages - first into temporary files in tempDir
and second into outFile. The device
on tempDir needs to have
enough space (typically
15-20 gigabytes if processing whole genome)
pslSort g2g[1|2] outFile tempDir inDir(s)
This will sort a genome to
genome alignment, reflecting the
alignments across the
Adding 1 or 2 after the dirs or g2g will limit the program to
only the first or second
pass repectively of the sort
-verbose=N Set verbosity level, higher for
more output. Default 1
Note for huge files pslSort will run out of memory. The unix sort
sort –k 10 *.psl
> sorted.psl
may be preferable in these
situations, though the psl header lines should
be removed or avoided with
the –noHead option to blat.
pslReps - analyse repeats and generate genome wide best
alignments from a sorted
set of local alignments
pslReps in.psl out.psl out.psr
where in.psl
is an alignment file generated by psLayout and
sorted by pslSort, out.psl is the best
alignment output
and out.psr
contains repeat info
-nohead don't add
PSL header
-ignoreSize Will
not weigh in favor of larger alignments so much
-noIntrons Will
not penalize for not having introns when calculating
size factor
-singleHit Takes single best hit, not splitting into
minimum coverage to output. Default is
-ignoreNs Ignore
'N's when calculating minCover.
minimum alignment ratio
default is 0.93
-nearTop=0.N how
much can deviate from top and be taken
default is 0.01
-minNearTopSize=N Minimum size of alignment that is near top
for aligmnent
to be kept. Default 30.
Tab-separate file with effective query sizes.
When used with -minCover, this allows polyAs
to be excluded from the
coverage calculation
Installing A Web-Based Blat Server involves four major steps:
1) Creating sequence databases.
2) Running the gfServer program to create in-memory indexes of the databases.
3) Editing the webBlat.cfg file to tell it what machine and port the gfServer(s)
are running on, and optionally customizing the webBlat appearance to users.
4) Copying the webBlat executable and webBlat.cfg to a directory where the web server can
execute webBlat as a CGI.
You create databases with the program faToTwoBit. Typically you'll create
a separate database for each genome you are indexing. Each database can
contain up to four billion bases of sequence in an unlimited number of
records. The databases for webPcr and webBlat are identical.
The input to faToTwoBit is one or more fasta format files each of which
can contain multiple records. If the sequence contains repeat sequences,
as is the case with vertebrates and many plants, the repeat sequences can
be represented in lower case and the other sequence in upper case. The gfServer
program can be configured to ignore the repeat sequences. The output of
faToTwoBit is a file which is designed for fast random access and efficient
storage. The output files store four bases per byte. They use a small amount
of additional space to store the case of the DNA and to keep track of runs of
N's in the input. Non-N ambiguity codes such as Y and U in the input sequence
will be converted to N.
Here's how a typical installation might create a mouse and a human genome database:
cd /data/genomes
mkdir twoBit
faToTwoBit human/hg16/*.fa twoBit/hg16.2bit
faToTwoBit mouse/mm4/*.fa twoBit/mm4.2bit
There's no need to put all of the databases in the same directory, but it can
simplify bookkeeping.
The databases can also be in the .nib format which was used with blat and
gfClient/gfServer until recently. The .nib format only packed 2 bases per
byte, and could only handle one record per nib file. Recent versions of blat
and related programs can use .2bit files as well.
The gfServer program creates an in-memory index of a nucleotide sequence database.
The index can either be for translated or untranslated searches. Translated indexes
enable protein-based blat queries and use approximately two bytes per unmasked base
in the database. Untranslated indexes are used nucleotide-based blat queries as well
as for In-silico PCR. An index for normal blat uses approximately 1/4 byte per base. For
blat on smaller (primer-sized) queries or for In-silico PCR a more thorough index that
requires 1/2 byte per base is recommended. The gfServer is memory intensive but typically
doesn not require a lot of CPU power. Memory permitting multiple gfServers can be
run on the same machine.
A typical installation might go:
ssh bigRamMachine
cd /data/genomes/twoBit
gfServer start bigRamMachine 17779 hg16.2bit &
gfServer -trans -mask start bigRamMachine 17778 hg16.2bit &
the -trans flag makes a translated index. It will take approximately
15 minutes to build an untranslated index, and 45 minutes to build a
translate index. To build an untranslated index to be shared with
In-silico PCR do
gfServer -stepSize=5 bigRamMachine 17779 hg16.2bit &
This index will be slightly more sensitive, noticeably so for small query sequences,
with blat.
The webBlat.cfg file tells the webBlat program where to look for gfServers and
for sequence. The basic format of the .cfg file is line oriented with the
first word of the line being a command. Blank lines and lines starting with #
are ignored. The webBlat.cfg and webPcr.cfg files are similar. The webBlat.cfg
commands are:
gfServer - defines host and port a (untranslated) gfServer is running on, the
associated sequence directory, and the name of the database to display in
the webPcr web page.
gfServerTrans - defines location of a translated server.
background - defines the background image if any to display on web page
company - defines company name to display on web page
tempDir - where to put temporary files. This path is relative to where the web
server executes CGI scripts. It is good to remove files that haven't
been accessed for 24 hours from this directory periodically,
via a cron job or similar mechanism.
The background and company commands are optional. The webBlat.cfg file must
have at least one valid gfServer or gfServerTrans line, and a tempDir line.
. Here is a webBlat.cfg file that you
might find at a typical installation:
company Awesome Research Amalgamated
background /images/dnaPaper.jpg
gfServer bigRamMachine 17778 /data/genomes/2bit/hg16.2bit Human Genome
gfServer bigRamMachine 17779 /data/genomes/2bit/hg16.2bit Human Genome
gfServer mouseServer 17780 /data/genomes/2bit/mm4.2bit Mouse Genome
gfServer mouseServer 17781 /data/genomes/2bit/mm4.2bit Mouse Genome
tempDir ../trash
The details of this step vary highly from web server to web server. On
a typical Apache installation it might be:
ssh webServer
cd kent/webBlat
cp webBlat webBlat.cfg /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
mkdir /usr/local/apache/trash
chmod 777 /usr/local/apache/trash
assuming that you've put the executable and config file in kent/webBlat.
The program will create some files in the trash directory. It is good to
periodically clean out old files from this directory. On Mac OS-X instead
you might do:
cp webBlat webBlat.cfg /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables
mkdir /Library/WebServer/trash
chmod 777 /Library/WebServer/trash
Unless you are administering your own computer you will likely need to ask your
local system administrators for help with this part of the webBlat installation.
A .psl file describes a series of alignments in a dense easily parsed text format. It begins with a five line header which describes each field. Following this is one line for each alignment with a tab between each field. The fields are describe below in a format suitable for many relational databases.
matches int
unsigned , # Number of bases that match that aren't repeats
int unsigned , #
Number of bases that don't match
int unsigned , #
Number of bases that match but are part of repeats
int unsigned ,
# Number of 'N' bases
int unsigned , #
Number of inserts in query
int unsigned , #
Number of bases inserted in query
int unsigned ,
# Number of inserts in target
int unsigned ,
# Number of bases inserted in
strand char(2) , #
+ or - for query strand, optionally followed by + or – for target strand
varchar(255) ,
# Query sequence name
int unsigned ,
# Query sequence size
int unsigned ,
# Alignment start position
in query
int unsigned ,
# Alignment end position in
varchar(255) ,
# Target sequence name
int unsigned ,
# Target sequence size
tStart int unsigned , # Alignment start position in target
int unsigned ,
# Alignment end position in
int unsigned , #
Number of blocks in alignment. A block contains no gaps.
longblob , # Size of each block in a comma
separated list
longblob , # Start of each block in query in a
comma separated list
longblob , # Start of each block in target in
a comma separated list
In general the coordinates in psl files are “zero based half open.” The first base in a sequence is numbered zero rather than one. When representing a range the end coordinate is not included in the range. Thus the first 100 bases of a sequence are represented as 0-100, and the second 100 bases are represented as 100-200. There is a another little unusual feature in the .psl format. It has to do with how coordinates are handled on the negative strand. In the qStart/qEnd fields the coordinates are where it matches from the point of view of the forward strand (even when the match is on the reverse strand). However on the qStarts[] list, the coordinates are reversed.
Here's an example of a 30-mer that has 2 blocks that align on the minus strand and 2 blocks on the plus strand (this sort of stuff happens in real life in response to assembly errors sometimes).
0 1 2 3 tens position in query
0123456789012345678901234567890 ones position in query
++++ +++++ plus strand alignment on query
-------- ---------- minus strand alignment on query
Plus strand:
qStart 12 qEnd 31 blockSizes 4,5 qStarts 12,26
Minus strand:
qStart 4 qEnd 26 blockSizes 10,8 qStarts 5,19
Essentially the minus strand blockSizes
and qStarts are what you would get if you reverse
complemented the query.However the qStart and qEnd are non-reversed.
To get from one to the other:
qStart = qSize - revQEnd
qEnd = qSize - revQStart
.2bit files
A .2bit file can store multiple DNA sequence (up to 4 gig total) in a compact randomly accessible format. The two bit files contain masking information as well as the DNA itself. The file begins with a 16 byte header containing the following fields:
1) signature – the number 0x1A412743 in the architecture of the machine that created the file.
2) version – zero for now. Readers should abort if they see a version number higher than 0.
3) sequenceCount – the number of sequences in the file
4) reserved – always zero for now.
All fields are 32 bits unless noted. If the signature value is not as given, the reader program should byte swap the signature and see if the swapped version matches. If so all multiple-byte entities in the file will need to be byte-swapped. This enables these binary files to be used unchanged on different architectures.
The header is followed by a file index. There is one entry in the index for each sequence. Each index entry contains three fields:
1) nameSize – a byte containing the length of the name field
2) name – this contains the sequence name itself, and is variable length depending on nameSize.
3) offset – 32 bit offset of the sequence data relative to the start of the file
The index is followed by the sequence records. These contain 9 fields:
1) dnaSize – number of bases of DNA in the sequence.
2) nBlockCount – the number of blocks of N’s in the file (representing unknown sequence).
3) nBlockStarts – a starting position for each block of N’s
4) nBlockSizes – the size of each block of N’s
5) maskBlockCount – the number of masked (lower case) blocks
6) maskBlockStarts – starting position for each masked block
7) maskBlockSizes – the size of each masked block
8) packedDna – the dna packed to two bits per base as so: 00 – T, 01 – C, 10 – A, 11 – G. The first base is in the most significant 2 bits byte, and the last base in the least significant 2 bits, so that the sequence TCAG would be represented as 00011011. The packedDna field will be padded with 0 bits as necessary so that it takes an even multiple of 32 bit in the file, as this improves i/o performance on some machines.
.nib files
A .nib file describes a DNA sequence packing two bases into each byte. Each nib file contains only a single sequence. A nib file begins with a 32 bit signature which is 0x6BE93D3A in the architecture of the machine that created the file, and possibly a byte-swapped version of the same number on another machine. This is followed by a 32 bit number in the same format which describes the number of bases in the file. This is followed by the bases themselves packed two bases to the byte. The first base is packed in the high order 4 bits (nibble), the second base in the low order four bits. In C code:
= (base1<<4) + base2
The numerical values for the bases are:
– T, 1 – C, 2 – A,
3 – G, 4 – N (unknown)
The most significant bit in a nibble is set if the base is
The gfServer program requires approximately 1 byte for every 3 bases in the genome it is indexing in DNA mode, and 1.5 bytes for each unmasked base in translated mode. The blat program requires approximately two bytes for each base in the genome in DNA mode, and three bytes for each base in translated mode. The other programs use relatively little memory.